Training Log

9/30/10 - Light Shoulders again

LYTP - 2 sets
GHR situp - 25x10, 35x8
Calf Raise - 20x10, 40x10
Machine Press superset with DB LR - stack x 2 x 12 and 40x2x12
Chest Supported Shrug - 80x3x15 - Really feel these in between the shoulder blades.  I like em.


9/28/10 - Back and stuff

Machine Row - worked up to 360x2x10 - Heaviest I've ever gone on these.
Neutral Grip Pulldown - 220x3x12
Scap Depression on Pulldown Machine - 120x3x12
Hammer Curl Drop Set - 65x8 + 50x6 + 40x6


9/27/10 - Bench

 Kinda sorta went heavy.  Did 4 singles with 345 then a back-off with 275 for 7 reps.  Later on in the day I did pushups with chains across my back.  Did 20 with 3 chains, then dropped a chain and repped out until I was down to just bodyweight.  Repeated this once and was pretty much spent.  That was it for assistance work, everything else still hurts.


9/23/10 - Light shoulders

Again, did very little, just some rehab stuff.  This sucks but I should just be thankful I'm not on the GD crutches any more.


9/21/10 - Back and stuff

Did some rows, pulldowns, and that's pretty much it.  Shoulder still hurts.


9/20/10 - Military Press

My shoulder still hurts, but I was able to military press without any pain.  I actually worked up to a relatively easy 225x5, which is an all-time PR and a big milestone for me.  I wish I had video, but I didn't think I'd be able to do anything worth filming today so I left it at home.

Just did 100 pushups after this and left the gym, because everything else I tried to do hurt my shoulder.


9/13 - 9/14

These were basically throwaway days.  I had my worst training session in months on 9/13, missing two lifts, and 9/14 was just a "get in and get the work done" kinda day.  Nothing special.  My shoulder is still hurting, so I'm taking the rest of the week off except for some Prowler on Saturday.


9/9/10 - Shoulders

Didn't do much.  Pinched something when I was doing curls during the last session and left shoulder now feels like crap.


9/7/10 - Back and Bis

Chest Supported DB Row - 145x2x8
Chins/Pulldown - 3 supersets of around 10 reps each exercise
Recline Row - 3 sets
Hammer Curl/High Cable Curl superset - 2 sets


9/6/10 - Heavy Bench

I'm starting to peak now, should be ready to attempt 405 in 3-4 weeks.

Bench 365x1
2 Board Press 365x3
4 Board Press 385x3
Incline DB Press 100x12, 9
DB Tricep Press 50x2x10
Side Lying External Rotation 8x10, 10x10  (supersetted with internal rotator stretch)


9/2/10 - Shoulders

1A) Machine MP - 252x3x12
1B) DB LR - 50x3x12
2A) Upright Row - 110x3x12
2B) Face Pull - 75x3x12
3) Smith Shrug - 405x15, 455x12


8/31/10 - Back and Biceps

Chest Supp DB Row - 145x2x8
Chin Up - bw x 12, 10, 15 (band assist)
Decline Smith Machine Sit Up - 135x2x12
BB Curl Handoff Ladder - 85x10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1


8/30/10 - Heavy Bench

Bench - worked up to 355 for an easy single; heaviest weight I've handled in a while

Rest of the workout wasn't anything to write home about.


8/28/10 - Prowler

90lbs for 10 sprints - Pretty easy.  Being heavier helps a lot.


8/27/10 - Back and Biceps

Weighted Chins - 50x7 + bw x 5
DB Row - 145x20
Incline DB Curl - 45x12


8/26/10 - Shoulders

DB Military Press - 100x12, 10, 8
KB Lateral Raise/Front Raise/Bent Raise - 52x2x8/8/8 - Will never do these again.  They suck.
DB Shrug - 120x3x25


8/24/10 - Back and Biceps

GHR Situp - 25x2x12
Chest Supported DB Row - 145x8
Pulldown/DB Pullover/Recline Row tri set - stack x 2 x 15 / 100x2x12 / bw x 2x12
BB Curl - 135x10, 135x10 + 95x10 + 45x15 ("Prince" curls on last drop set)


8/23/10 - Heavy Military Press

Military Press - worked up to 215x5
DB Bench Press - 120x9
DB Fly - 55x12
Band Pushdown - green x 2 x 20


8/20/10 - Back and Biceps light

Chins - worked up to 50x6
DB Row - 145x2x10
Inc DB Curl - 45x12

Went easy today.  This was a tough week.


8/19/10 - Shoulders and Traps

DB Side Bend - 120x2x10
Machine Shoulder Press - Stack x 3 x 12
superset with KB Lateral Raise - 20kg x 3 x 12
Smith Machine Upright Row - 225x3x12
superset with Bent DB Lateral Raise - 40x3x12
DB Shrug - 120x3x25


8/17/10 - Back and Biceps

GHR Situp - 25 x 12, 11
Chest Supported DB Row - 145x2x6
Chins - bw x 12, 10
KB Curl - 20kg x 10


8/16/10 - Heavy Bench

Bench - worked up to 325x3
2A) Inc Smith Machine Press - 225x20, 275x10, 185x20
2B) Inc DB Fly - 40x15, 12
2C) Inc DB Press - 40x10, 10
3A) DB Extension - 45x12, 10
3B) Bench Dip - bw x 14, 10

I trained with a friend of mine today so we did some different stuff after the main lift.  It was fun.


8/13/10 - Back and Biceps

GHR Situp - 25x2x10
Weighted Chins - worked up to 50x5
DB Row - worked up to 145x15, 145x12 w/straps
Face Pull - 35x2x15
Inc DB Curl - 45x10
Rev BB Curl - 90x12


8/12/10 - Speed Bench

DB Side Bend - 90x10, 110x10
One Leg Calf Raise - bw x 16
Speed Bench - 195x5x3
CG Bench - 215x6, 235x6
Leaning LR - 40x10, 50x10
KB Clean and Press - 16kg x 8, 24kg x 9


8/10/10 - Back and Biceps

GHR Situp - 10x2x15
Chest Supp DB Row - 120x12, 10
Chins - bw x 12
DB Shrug - 100x20, 120x20
KB Curl - 20kg x 9
Hammer Curl - 65x8


8/9/10 - Heavy Military Press

MP - worked up to 205x5; probably good for 8 but I'm sticking to the plan
Neutral Grip DB Bench - worked up to 120x9,6
DB Fly - 50x12 with long stretch on last rep
Plank on Swiss Ball - 2x60s
OH DB Extension - 35x10, 40x10

Training has been going well so far.  Haven't missed any reps or really even been close to my limit.  Hopefully I can keep riding this wave for several more weeks.


8/6/10 - Conditioning

Took Thursday off this week for some extra recovery.  Today I just did some KB conditioning work.
4 rounds:  55# Renegade Row w/pushup before every rep x5/arm
                Sledgehammer x10/side
                KB Thruster x 10 w/45# in one hand, 55# in other; switch each round;


8/3/10 - Back and Biceps

GHR Situp - 10x15, 12
Chest Supp DB Row - worked up to 120x10, 120x8 w/straps
Chins - bw x 14, 7 - it's amazing how much the first set takes out of me
DB Shrug - 100x20, 120x20 - slow, holding the contraction for a beat on each rep
KB Curl - 20kg x 8
Hammer Curl - 65x8


8/2/10 - Heavy Bench

Bench - worked up to 315x3 - felt OK, not great; almost went to 320 instead but glad I was conservative
Incline DB Press (neutral grip) - 100x8, 110x8
Incline DB Fly - 50x12, 55x12
OH DB Extension - 35x10, 40x10


7/31/10 - Light Back and Conditioning

I went to see a concert in Cleveland Thursday night, which was a workout in itself:

So, I took Friday off since I felt like I got hit by a train (the pit was insane) and only had 3 hours sleep.

Saturday's training:
Pullups 3 sets of max reps (13, 10, 7)
Recline Rows 2 sets of max reps (15, 13)
Prowler 70 x 10 trips

Don't be afraid to take a day off here and there if you REALLY need it.  I did.


7/29/10 - Speed Bench

DB Side Bend - 90x10, 100x10
Speed Bench - 190x5x3
CG Bench - 205x6, 225x6
Leaning DB Lateral - 45x10, 50x10
Seated KB Clean and Press - 16kg x 10, 24kg x 10


7/27/10 - Back & Bis

Chest Supported DB Row - worked up to 110x12 and 110x10 w/straps
Pullups - bw x 11, 7
DB Shrugs - 100 x 20, 120 x 20
KB Curls - 16kg x 6, 20kg x 6
Hammer Curls - 60x8


7/26/10 - Military Press

Plank on swiss ball - 2 x 60s
Military press - worked up to 195x5
DB hammer press - 100x8, 110x11
rolling thunder extension - 30x2x10
recline row - 2x15
Step Mill - level 5 for 5 minutes


7/23/10 - Back and Biceps

GHR situps - 2x20
Weighted chins - bw x 5, 25 x 5, 50 x 5, 25 x 5
DB row - 145 x 14, 145 x 12 w/ straps
Face pulls and band pullaparts superset - 2 good sets
Incline DB Curl - 40x8, 45x8
Reverse BB Curl - 80x10, 90x10


7/22/10 - Speed Bench

DB Side Bend - 80x10, 90x10
Single Leg Calf Raise - BWx2x15
Speed Bench - 185x5x3
CG Bench - 195x6, 215x6
Leaning LR - 40x12, 45x12
Seated KB Clean and Press - 16kg x 10, 20kg x 10
Incline DB Extension - 40x10, 45x8

Good overall session.  Bench setup is feeling tighter and stronger.


7/20/10 - Back & Biceps

GHR situp - 2x15
Chest supported DB row - worked up to 110x9, then 110x8 with straps
Chins - 10,7
Shrugs - 100x20, 120x16 - should have used straps on the last set, my grip is weak from not pulling
BB curl - 95x10, 115x8
Hammer curl - 55x8

I've been making a concerted effort to stretch thoroughly after every session; so far, so good.


7/19/10 - Heavy Bench

Bench press - worked up to 305x3 - pretty easy considering 295x1 was a struggle 3 weeks prior
DB bench - 100x10, 110x9
Reverse rolling thunder extension - 3 sets
OH DB extension - 2 sets
Plank on swiss ball - 60s and 38(!!!)s - my core is pretty weak right now, hence hitting it every day

It's amazing what a caloric surplus will do to your strength levels.


7/17/10 - Conditioning day

3 rds of: Snatch/clean/thruster/swing 5 reps per arm w/55lb KB - took 11:39 to complete
10 trips with 70lb Prowler, high and low handles


7/16/10 - Back & Biceps

GHR situps - 2x12
Weighted chins - worked up to 45x5
DB row - 145x12, 145x10 w/straps
Face pull/band pullapart superset
Incline DB curl - few sets
Reverse BB curl - few sets


7/15/10 - Speed bench?

My training is going to be very bench-centric over the next few months until I am able to squat and pull.

DB side bend - 80x10, 85x10
Speed bench - 165x3, 185x3x3 - started to fatigue a little so I called it here; will try for 5 sets next time
Close grip bench - 185x2x10
Lean away DB lateral raise - 35x12, 40x10
Seated KB clean and press - 35x10, 44x10
Incline KB extension - 35x10, 44x10

I'm using speed bench to work on my setup and pressing technique.  The goal is to be able to stay tighter and get better leg drive.  And you probably thought bench press was just a chest exercise...


7/13/10 - Back & Biceps

 Chest supported DB row - worked up to 100 x 8, 110 x 6
 Chins - 10, 7
 DB shrug - 100 x 20, 110 x 20
 BB curl w/fat grip - 95 x 10, 115 x 10
 Hammer curl - 50 x 10
 Hill "sprints" - 10 x 40 yd

So....I ran hills today.  My right leg hurts like.....well, like there's a bone missing from it.  I am at roughly 60-70% in terms of speed.  Not sure if I should be excited or pissed at that.  But it did feel good to be out there again.


7/12/10 - I gained 12 lbs in 4 days.

 Yes, you read that right.  I actually look leaner now too.

 Planks on Swiss ball - 2 x 60s
 Military Press - worked up to 185 x 5
 DB Bench - worked up to 110 x 6
 Reverse one arm cable ext - 30 x 10, 35 x 10
 One arm OH DB ext - 30 x 10, 35 x 10
 Recline rows - lots of reps

 I am satisfied with how I look now and ready to start getting stronger.  The diet is over.


7/7/10 - Flying to LA tonight

 Bench - worked up to 295 x 1, then 245 x 10

 Did some other stuff too but I can't remember what.

Amanda and I are off to LA for the next few days.  BW is currently 223.  I'm guessing that number will be a lot higher when I  get back.


7/5/10 - Normal day

 Military Press - 105 x 10, 125 x 10, 145 x 10
 Pullups - BW x 5, 10 x 5, 20 x 5, 30 x 5, 40 x 5
 Prowler - 90 x 10 -  This was a lot easier than it was Friday.


7/3/10 - Moving day

 Helped my friend move into his new apartment today.  Lots of tight turns, heavy pieces, and stairs.  No training today.


7/2/10 - Ball buster

 Two separate workouts today.

 #1:  3 rounds w/55# kb - 5 x snatch each arm, 5 x clean and press each arm, 10 swings, 10 pullups

 #2:  10 trips with 90# Prowler


7/1/10 - Yuck

 Close Grip Bench - 195x10, 215x10, 235x10
 DB Row - 120x10, 145x10
 Dip - BWx10, 45x10, 90x8
 BB Curl - 65x10, 105x10, 145x10

 My bodyweight is holding at 225 right now.  The goal is 215 by August 1.

6/29/10 - Stress relief

I was pissed off tonight for no real reason, so I took it out on myself.

4 Rds of:

Pullups x 5
Lopsided KB Thruster (55 in one hand, 45 in the other; switch hands each round) x 10
Renegade Row 55 x 10 each side

Finished the whole thing and then puked for about 10 minutes.  No matter how bad you feel, no matter how big your problems seem, everything fades away when you're bent over, emptying your guts into a puddle at your feet.


6/28/10 - Gettin it done

 Military Press - 105 x 10, 125 x 10, 135 x 10
 Pullups - 4x10
 Prowler - 90# x 6 (high handles only)


6/25/10 - Prowler

 50# Prowler x 8 sprints (1 each minute)
 Hanging leg raise (shins to bar) 2x8


 6/24/10 - Pipes

Muscle-Ups x 5  (video to come)

CG Bench 185x10  205x10  225x10
DB Row 120x10  145x10
Dip 45x10  90x8
BB Curl 115x10  135x10
Pressdown 110x10
Rev Curl  90x10  w/fat grips on bar


6/23/10 - Quickie

4 rounds of:
55# KB Snatch x 10 each arm
Pullups x 10

Just getting some work in after training the ladies.  Nothing too difficult.  Video of 3rd set of snatches:


6/21/10 - Getting after it

5 Rounds of:
135# Military Press x 5
Pullups x 5
50# Prowler for one round trip

I was thoroughly crushed from the 5 round trips with the Prowler.  After this was finished I did two more sets of military and pullups.  It was my first time pressing while standing since the operation.  Felt AWESOME, even with limited weight.


6/19/10 - Horsing around

My son and I were playing around in the gym for about an hour.  Did some KB swings, snatches, clean and presses, and turkish get-ups.  TGUs are harder than I remember (or am I just weaker?).  Also did a few sets of planks and one set of Dragon Flags.


6/18/10 - Prowler Rematch

50 x 6 trips - My ankle feels much better.  I was able to do the low handles for the first time in 7 months.

Still woefully out of shape though.

I also did some hanging leg raises (shins to the bar).


6/17/10 - Gun Show

 CG Bench Press - 135 x 10,5  185x5  225x5  265x5  285x5
 DB Row - 100x10  120x15
 Dip - BWx10  45x10  90x10
 BB Curl - 45x10  95x10  135x10
 Pressdown - 60x10  80x10  100x10
 Reverse Curl - 60x10  80x10  90x10

 Checked my weight today, and it's down to 226 from 245.  No wonder my strength is down the shitter.


6/16/10 - Quickie

3 Rounds of:
 Sandbag shouldering 75 x 10
 Sledge Tire Strikes 10/arm
 Pullups x 10

 Hanging Leg Raise (shins to bar) 3 x 6
 Hit heavy bag for a few minutes

If you were blind and deaf you could easily confuse Pittsburgh for the freaking Amazon jungle right now.  We haven't had a hot and humid stretch like this in a few years at least.


6/14/10 - "Work"

 Moved about a ton of stone roughly 200 feet.  Fun.


6/13/10 - Shifting Gears

I have been very unsatisfied with my training lately, mainly because I am unable to squat and deadlift to my standards for another 5 months still.  So I have decided to take the next 5 months and get into good shape doing "fun" workouts.  Now "fun", to me, means things that make me want to collapse.  For example, today I did:

55# kettlebell (kb) complex - 5 snatches left hand, 5 snatches right hand, 10 clean and press alternating
20 pushups (chest and shoulders still sore from tossing the med ball with the girls friday afternoon)
20 pullups

I repeated this 3 times and probably wanted to puke after every set (it was humid!).  Had to take a cold shower and lay down afterwards because I was totally fried.  That's what happens when you can't walk for 6 months; you get fat and out of shape.  The kb complex really illustrated just how much my core strength has deteriorated after not bearing weight for such a long period.  It was a struggle to maintain my arch the entire time, and I had to use a lot more upper body strength than normal to get the 'bells up.


6/8/10 - Bench

 Bench Press - 135 x 2 x 6, 185 x 2 x 5, 225 x 2 x 4, 255 x 2 x 3, 275 x 2 x 3 - got some work in; still keeping it pretty light

 Dips - 3 x 15

 Pullups - 3 x 5

 Had to train on my lunch break today.  Managed my time poorly so I had to get in and out quickly.


6/4/10 - Accessory

Chins - 40 reps in 10 min - getting better

Wide Grip Seated Row - 200 x 10, 210 x 8, 220 x 7

Upright Row - 95 x 10, 115 x 10, 135 x 12 - first week with these; kept it light

Lateral Raise Drop Set - 55 x 15,12 + 45 x 8,6 + 35 x 5,5

It was extremely humid in the garage today.  I puked doing the lateral raises.  Then I did another set.  I might be really out of shape, but I'm not gonna quit.


6/1/10 - Bench training

Bench Press - worked up to 295 for a single;  felt like complete shit

Inc DB - 70, 80, 90 x 10 - still easy

Dips - 35 x 10, 70 x 8 - worked in some pull ups from tow straps between sets of dips

Hammer Curl - 45 x 10, 50 x 8, 55 x 6 - the humidity was starting to get to me by this point

Pullover and Press - 85 x 10, 95 x 8, 105 x 6


5/29/10 - Conditioning

 Decided to do some extra conditioning since I had the time and I'm in sore need of it:

 3 Rounds of - 75# sandbag to shoulder x 10
                       OH Sledge Strike x 10/side
                       Pushups x 20

This took about 10 minutes and I nearly died.


5/28/10 - Accessory work

 Chins - 33 reps in 10 min - I'm still fat.

 Cable Row - worked up to 250 x 6 over 5 sets

 DB Shoulder Complex: Lateral Raise, Bent Lateral Raise, C+P, Upright Row - 45 x 3 x 5

  Prowler - 70 lbs x suck - This felt like about 10 million pounds.  My leg won't let me run yet, so I was moving VERRRRY SLOW.  Only did 4 trips on high handles.


5/27/10 - Squat training

Squat - 55 x 3 x 20 - BIIIIIIIIG WEIGHT!!!!  LOL, at least I'm squatting again.

 45 deg BE - 25 x 12, 10

 Leg Curl - 74 x 12, 9

Calf Raise (Single Leg) - BW x 12, 10 - My right calf is extremely stiff, weak, and sore.  I guess that's what happens when you get a bone removed from your leg.

Ab Wheel - 20,15


5/25/10 - Bench training

 Bench Press - 135 x 10, 185 x 6, 225 x 5, 255 x 5, 275 x 2 x 5 - Injured pec still feels pretty good.

 Incline DB - 65 x 10, 75 x 10, 85 x 10 - Easy reps just to work these back in; focusing on bottom half.

 Dips - BW x 12, 35 x 10, 60 x 10 - Again, just working these back in so I went pretty light here.

 Pullover & Press - 85 x 10, 95 x 8 - Trying this out for the tris; we'll see how my elbows feel.

 Step Mill - Level 4 x 3:30 + 5:00 - I could only go for 3 min before my legs started cramping; took a break and stretched then came back and did 5 more.  This thing is a beast and I am pathetically out of shape.


5/21/10 - Accessory

 Chins - 30 reps in 10 minutes (3 reps/min) - I got pretty fat over the last 6 months and my chins have suffered as a result.
 Seated Cable Row - 220 x 8, 240 x 6, 220 x 6

 DB Shoulder Complex: Renegade Row + Clean and Press + Cheat LR + Bent LR - 35 x 4 x 5 w/60s RI

 DB Curl/Hammer Curls - 3 sets

 The complex is the first relatively difficult thing I've done, conditioning-wise, since my surgery.  It also damn-near killed me.  The Prowler was sitting there the whole time, taunting me.


5/20/10 - Squat training

Today I walked without crutches for the first time in 6 freaking months.  This day is in my top 10 happiest days of my life.

Squat - 3 sets of 20 with the bar - It was nice to get the bar on my back again, even if it didn't have any weight on it.  My hip is pretty much just as tight as it was before the bone graft.

45 degree Back Extension - 2 sets of 12 with 10lb plate behind my head 
Leg Curl - 3 sets
Calf Raise - 2 sets
Ab wheel - 2 sets of 15


5/17/10 - Bench training

 Bench Press  45x10  95x10  135x10  185x10  225x10  255x6
 Bamboo Bench 2 sets of 20
 Swiss Ball Pushups 3 sets of 15
 Band Pushdown 3 sets of 25 with purple band

 Still working back from the left pec strain.  Felt OK tonight physically.  All of these sets were very easy with no strain at all.  Mentally I'm very frustrated with the injuries I'm dealing with right now.  Only 2 days left on crutches, getting off them should help a lot.

5/14/10 - Accessory

Chins - 30 reps
Iso Row - worked up to 2 strict, heavy sets
Seated DB LR - 35 x 12, 45 x 12, 55 x 13,13
Chest Supported LR - 2 sets
DB Curl - 45 x 10,8
Hammer Curl - 45 x 10,10

Felt like shit tonight.  Everyone else in my usual training group was squatting heavy, and here I am playing with girl weights.  Soon enough.

5/13/10 - Squat training

Still on 1 crutch so everything was done with bodyweight only.

Squat 4 sets of 20
Back Extension 2 sets of 15
Leg Curl   2 sets of 12
Unilateral Calf Press 2 sets of 15 done slowly
Ab Wheel 2 sets of 12

Exactly one more week until I'm walking without crutches again.

5/10/10 - Bench training

Took last week off pressing altogether to let my left pec heal a little.  Went VERY light tonight.  The plan is to work back very slowly.

Bench Press (pinkies on rings) 135x15   185x12

these sets were done very slow and controlled with no strain at all; no pain which is good

Bamboo Bench Press w/16kg KBs dangling - 2x20

Pushups w/hands on swiss ball - 2x15

LYTP - 2 sets

Band Pushdowns - 2x25 w/ purple ban

This training session's purpose was to act as an active recovery session to my left pec that I strained a few weeks ago.  Mission accomplished.  You don't have to break records every training session.