Rock Solid Men's Strength

Do you remember a time when you felt unstoppable?

It may have been 10 or 20 years ago, but do you remember the feeling of being 10 feet tall and bullet proof, like you could meet any challenge and climb any obstacle?

Do you remember having boundless energy and waking up with the feeling that you could conquer half of Europe and climb Kilimanjaro all before lunch time?

Do you remember back when you used to look forward to physical challenges instead of shying away from them?

Do you remember having confidence in yourself that you could handle anything that life could throw at you?  Whether it's helping a buddy move, opening a pickle jar, or literally sweeping your woman off her feet, do you remember feeling that you could do anything you needed to do?

Over time, maybe the little aches and pains you got from physical activity started to take longer and longer to go away.  Then they didn't go away at all, and you told yourself "wow, I guess I'm getting old."  Did that bother you? 

One day you go to move the couch in your living room because your wife wants to redecorate again, and the damn thing feels a LOT heavier than it used to.  Somebody must have put some lead weights in it...or have you really become that weak?

Maybe you noticed that your wife just doesn't look at you the same way she used to.  Maybe you didn't notice because your sex drive is so low that you don't look at her the way you used to either.  Is that how you want to live?

I bet you wonder where that young, good-looking guy disappeared to when you look in the mirror.  Especially when there is a slouched, tired-looking one staring back.  Where did that old guy come from, and who let him in the house?

Maybe you let your belt out a notch or two.  Then you bought bigger pants.  Then you bought even bigger pants.  Now your trousers could house a family of four.  Do you have a waist or does what you used to call a waist now more closely resemble a flotation device?

Maybe you tried to lose a few pounds.  Probably even joined a gym.  Did you even know where to start?

Look, getting old is not an easy thing to go through.  Loss of energy, reduced recovery ability, strength loss, hunched posture, muscle atrophy, fat gain, and loss of libido are not pleasant things to experience.

You are not alone, and you don't have to feel like an old man any more!

With Top Dog Strength & Conditioning you WILL:

  • Lose that beer belly!  The top button on your pants will THANK YOU! 

  • Build strength and rock-hard muscle so you can fill out those shirt sleeves!

  • Gain confidence in your appearance as you watch your body transform! 

  • Be a part of a great group of guys that will keep you focused and working hard towards your goals! 

  • Get in the BEST SHAPE OF YOUR LIFE…or your MONEY BACK!
Call (724)594-4330 or email to set up an introductory training session and find out how you can get a one month free trial to see if Top Dog is right for you!



"I was putting on weight, gradually, but steadily. I also was losing muscle mass, especially in my upper arms and chest. I used to work outside anytime the weather permitted, but had been having that desire a lot less often of late. The energy just wasn't there. I was spending most of my spare time on the computer,in front of the TV or just reading… all non-physical activities. My blood pressure was high, my Cholesterol was higher and my self esteem had disappeared along with my libido. I had a heart attack in 2006, lost a few pounds dieting and walking, but put it right back on in a short period of time. My second scare occurred late last Spring while trying to plant some shrubs around the house. I couldn’t work 5 minutes without being out of breath and having to sit down to rest… this finally made me re-visit my cardiologist, who sent me straight to the hospital because I was ready tohave another heart attack… stent #2. I immediately felt better after my surgery but was definitely going to take things easier. My wife had been working out with Justin for about 3 months at this point. She was seeing some major results and said that I needed to start working out… if not for her, then for my son and my grandson.  

I didn’t want to work out, I didn’t want to spend the time, didn’t want to sweat, just didn’t want to do it. Now, looking back… I know what it was. I was afraid to fail. I’ve never quit anything in my life and if I didn’t start this, I wouldn’t have to worry about quitting. I had resigned myself to the idea that all the aches and pains were just part of growing old and accepted it. Deep down, I knew I couldn’t continue this way but I am stubborn and nobody was going to tell me what to do. I finally made the decision that I had to do something or it was only going to get worse.

Justin is patient,but focused on making sure I’m doing everything correctly and safely. My stubbornness is coming in handy now, because I just won't quit. I have gained muscle everywhere, especially in my chest, arms, and upper back. My belly is smaller, and I can do things I haven’t been able to do for years, which pleases me to no end. I feel like I'm in my 40s again!" - Ken Holmes, 58

"I've been training with Justin way before Top Dog was ever in the works.  When I first met him, I was a skinny college freshmen, tipping the scales at 165 lbs.

Over the years, he guided my training and made sure I was always doing things the right way and with maximal intensity and effort.

Now, as a 3rd year medical student, I am the talk amongst my colleagues who go to the gym with the same old bicep curls and bench press routines that consistently provide mediocre, if any, results.  I weigh 215 lbs with 10% bodyfat, bench press 290 lbs, squat 405, and deadlift 457.

I know with certainty that I would not be where I am today without Justin's guidance and expertise!" - Ajay Lall, 28